Saturday, September 6, 2008

Watching Months of Research go "Poof"

Definitely was not expecting to have an hour long meeting with two very bright people, and watch my research just go up in smoke. Apparently, somewhere we missed the boat... it's not that the results are not valid, its just that the validation is not as rigorous as I think my professors would like. Oh, well I guess we hit the black board on Monday.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ode to You oh Professsor Meeting

Ode to you yes Ode to You,
My dearest yet dreadful weekly meeting,
after working many long hours, and looseing sleep
I only have a wish, let me live and speak not a peep.

If thou thust is good to me,
I might get my PhD.
If thou thust turns into a forum of mockery,
then I can only expect ABD it shall be.

Today I ask, let them say
"Oh Rory you have paved the way"
"to your PhD. " and be gay.
Yes , Yes this I wish,
ode to you my day.

* Written two hours before weekly meeting, with my chairs


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Apparently Beer will keep me from publishing

Luckily someone had the smarts, or should I say the lack thereof to study the correlation between drinking pints of beer and being able to do research:

Allision and the Wonderland

Looking forward to one thing, in a week I'm headed to austin to see: Allison and the Wonderland at City Theater Austin:


Another Day another well Day

"The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Pretty much the essence of my research right now... don't hit the ground. Oh Lord, don't let me go slamming into one big ball of flames into the ground.
As the day goes: Awake - Research - Class - Study - Eat something - Research - Study - Study .... pass out

If you want to see a good illiustration of my Brilliancy:

5:30 pm. Apparently sleeping in the class that will be on your qualifier is not so much a good idea. Oh, well. Guess I need more coffee, or start mixing caffinee pills in my drinks.

Good Luck,
